12/ 30
Divorce has become commonplace, so much so that people are often surprised if you've never been married as it is highly likely that at least 31% of your friends between the ages of 35 and 54 who are married, engaged, or cohabiting have previously gone through a divorce. Young couples marrying for the first time face a lifetime divorce risk…
12/ 23
No one, especially young newlyweds -- whose lifetime divorce risk is approximately 40% -- wants to consider the possibility of divorce. While divorce was once a sensitive subject, it has become increasingly commonplace in the United States, so much so that the shock factor has all but disappeared. Divorce, it seems, is reflective of the rapidly changing dynamics of blended…
12/ 18
Separation with children, be it legal or through divorce, is an increasingly common phenomenon in the modern world. About 13.7 million parents identified in the 2011 U.S. Census had custody of 22.0 million children under the age of 21, while the second parent lived elsewhere. The top five reasons for divorce in the U.S. are communication problems, financial problems, abuse,…
12/ 09
Many modern marriages end in divorce. First marriages that end in divorce usually last about eight years, with 60% of second marriages and 70-73% of third marriages also eventually ending in divorce. Marriages end for a number of reasons, and, though the union itself is terminated, lingering feelings of resentment and anger may remain thereafter, especially if a child is…
12/ 02
Generally speaking, most people associate family law practices with divorce/separation. This is not surprising as divorce rates have steadily increased over the course of the last few decades. In fact, there are an estimated 46,523 divorces filed per week in the United States. Research has also indicated that young couples marrying for the first time have a lifetime divorce rate…
11/ 25
It is a known fact that divorce rates are increasing, so much so that divorce has almost become commonplace. In fact, first marriages only last an average of eight years, with nearly 60% of second marriages also ending in divorce. The rate for divorce for those who marry for a third time is higher still, at 73%. While each couples'…
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