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Category Archives: Alimony


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Mistakes to Avoid When Getting a Divorce

Making the decision to get a divorce is never easy. In most cases, the reasons that led to the decision are emotionally charged. Due to this, it is easy to give in to those emotions and base decisions on them that could ultimately hurt a person’s divorce case in the end. Below are the most common mistakes made during divorce,…

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Can You Modify Alimony in Sterling Heights?

If there is one constant in life, it is change. Even after a divorce is finalized and the couple has gone their own ways, circumstances change and sometimes, those final terms are no longer appropriate. When that is the case, it is possible to modify those terms, but the two spouses cannot do this on their own. Below is some…

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Tax Changes Make Some Couples Anxious to Finalize Divorce

  Changes to alimony law which take effect in 2019 prompted some couples to rush to finalize their divorce settlements before the new year since the new tax law will no longer allow the paying spouse to deduct alimony payments from his or her federal taxable income. This means that, if the divorce is finalized after December 31st, 2018, the payer…

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Does Adultery Have an Effect on Divorce in Michigan?

Adultery may be the biggest betrayal to a marriage, and many end up in divorce due to it. After an affair, both people in the marriage end up wounded. However, it is possible to recover from the pain and be happy and healthy again. The first step is to protect yourself and be informed of your obligations and rights during…

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Are There Any Alternatives for Divorce in Michigan?

When a couple determines that it is time to end their marriage, they have two options. They can divide their assets while leaving the marriage intact with an action for separation, or they can end their marriage in divorce. In the state of Michigan, a couple can file for divorce, but there is no such thing as a legal separation.…

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What is Your Divorce Lawyer’s Role in the Process?

  When you are working through a divorce, you typically work with a lawyer. Your lawyer is your advocate in a variety of ways. His or her job is to protect your rights, promote your interests, and help you reach a favorable outcome with your divorce. What does this really mean? What does a divorce lawyers really do for his…

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