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Child Custody Law Firm Sterling Heights

Child Custody Law Firm Sterling Heights

Child Custody Law Firm Sterling Heights

If you are going through a divorce involving children, you will need to address many important issues, including child custody. If you and your divorcing spouse can come to an agreement on the specifics of child custody, the court is likely to accept the agreement you decide upon as long as the court believes the terms of the agreement are in the best interests of the child. However, if an agreement can’t be reached, you should consider working closely with a skilled child custody law firm serving Sterling Heights. A knowledgeable child custody attorney will help ensure that you obtain a custody arrangement that protects you and your child’s rights and takes into consideration what is best for your family. 

At Iafrate & Salassa, P.C., our attorneys have successfully resolved many tough family law cases involving child custody. We tailor our extensive experience and personal attention to every case we take on, and we can help you.

Determining Child Custody

In Michigan, child custody is always based on the best interests of the children involved. While the court will use several factors to determine what is in the child’s best interest, the fact is that as your child’s parent, you know far more about them and what is best for them than the judge in your case ever could. This is why it’s almost always in parents’ best interests to agree on child custody arrangements with one another out of court instead of allowing the court to do so for them. This often includes negotiating through your respective attorneys or attending mediation if your negotiations are not successful.

If parents absolutely cannot agree on the terms of a custody agreement, then you will need to involve a child custody law firm serving Sterling Heights to represent you in court. A judge will determine the arrangements if you and the other parent cannot agree, but your attorney can have a big impact on the judge’s final decision.

Legal Custody

When it comes to child custody, there are two types to consider – legal custody and physical custody. Legal custody refers to the parent’s legal rights and responsibilities. Both parents generally share legal custody (barring exceptional circumstances), and this means that both parents participate in making important decisions in their children’s lives, including decisions regarding: 

  • Education
  • Medical care
  • Religious upbringing
  • Extracurricular activities

Physical Custody

Physical custody, also known as residential custody, addresses where the child lives. Physical custody can be split equally (50/50) between the parties, or at other times, one parent is named the primary custodial parent while the other parent is provided with a liberal visitation schedule.  

Child Support

Both parents are responsible for financially supporting their children. Under Michigan law, both parents’ income and the time spent with the children will be input into a formula to determine each party’s child support obligation. Working with a knowledgeable child custody law firm near Sterling Heights can help you understand how these calculations will apply in your case.

If You Have Child Custody Questions, Consult with a Trusted Sterling Heights Child Custody Law Firm  

Your child custody arrangements are undoubtedly your primary divorce concern, and the dedicated child custody attorneys at Iafrate & Salassa, P.C. are committed to helping you obtain arrangements that protect you and your children’s rights. Our formidable legal team has the skill, knowledge, compassion, and commitment to effectively and efficiently advocate on your behalf regarding your child custody arrangements. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information today.

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