Disputes over children are among the most contentious dealt with in the family court. Child custody proceedings have the potential to impact your relationship with your child both now and in the years to come. In important matters such as these, you need an experienced Macomb County child custody attorney on your side. At Iafrate & Salassa, P.C., we have over 40 years combined experience in representing clients in similar situations. We provide the trusted legal representation you need to ensure your rights as a parent are protected.
Michigan child custody laws dictate how decisions regarding the care of children are made, with protecting the child’s best interests the court’s primary goal. Children often do better when both parents play an active and engaged role in their life. There are three basic options the court has in determining child custody:
Under Michigan parenting time guidelines, factors the court is likely to consider in approving child custody arrangements for your child include the existing parent/child relationship, the ability of each parent to meet the child’s needs, any past allegations of physical abuse or negligent, and the age of the child as well as any special needs they have.
At Iafrate & Salassa, P.C., we fight for the rights of our clients in child custody proceedings. By gathering the evidence needed in your case, negotiating with the other parent’s attorney, and making arguments in court, we work diligently to ensure your rights as a parent are protected.
In the event an existing child custody order is in place, we can file the documents needed to request a modification. This can be done to increase your own parenting time or to protect your child against actions the other parent is engaged in that may jeopardize your child’s safety. To get our Macomb County child custody attorney started on your case, call or contact Iafrate & Salassa, P.C. online and request a free consultation today.  Â
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