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Shelby Township Divorce Lawyers

Shelby Township Divorce Lawyers

When a marriage reaches the point where it is no longer able to be fixed, one or both of the people in the marriage might opt to end it with a divorce. Only one party needs to file with the circuit court to initiate divorce proceedings. The other may dispute the claim or choose not to respond. In either case, the divorce may still proceed without either party having to prove that there is any “fault” at play for the divorce, such as adultery or impotence.

If you are considering filing for divorce in Michigan, you must have resided in the state for at least 180 days prior to filing. Before you file, speak with an experienced divorce lawyer about your rights and options.

Why Do Couples Divorce?

Couples choose to divorce for a variety of reasons. The most common reason is an inability to communicate effectively, which can lead to a variety of other problems that drive the couple apart.

Some examples of these problems include:

  • Financial issues;
  • Disagreements regarding how the couple raises their children;
  • Infidelity;
  • Addiction; and
  • Domestic violence.

Although Michigan is a no-fault state, the behavior of one or both parties during the marriage may be considered by the court during the divorce process. For example, if one party has a history of domestic violence, he or she might be granted restricted parenting time with the couple’s children.

Issues Present in the Divorce Process

When a couple divorces, every aspect of their marriage has to be considered during the divorce process. For example, the couple’s marital property like their home, their investment portfolio, and any other assets like retirement accounts. Other aspects that are considered during a divorce are the couple’s children and each party’s ability to provide for him- or herself financially after the divorce.

These result in rulings about how to divide the couple’s assets and how to structure their custodial time with their children. A custodial parent may receive child support payments from the other parent after the divorce is finalized to cover the costs associated with raising children and if one spouse took on lower-paying or part time work during the marriage to attend to the couple’s children and home, he or she may receive spousal support after the divorce.

How Can a Divorce Lawyer Help Me?

A divorce lawyer can help you through the divorce process by educating you about it and advocating for you throughout. One way a divorce lawyer can help you is by helping you prepare for your deposition and any other interaction with the court. He or she can also negotiate with the court to help you receive a fair share of your marital assets.

After your divorce is finalized, you might need to revisit certain aspects of your settlement months or years later. Your lawyer can help you with this. These revisions of your divorce settlement are known as post-decree modifications.

Work with an Experienced Shelby Township Divorce Lawyer

If you are considering filing for divorce, it is important that you work with a competent lawyer who can help you face any issues that arise during the process. Contact our team of experienced Shelby Township divorce lawyers at Iafrate & Salassa, P.C. today to get started on your case with our firm.

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