Iafrate & Salassa, P.C. represents clients throughout the Metro Detroit area, most of whom have never dealt with a legal crisis before. For our clients, the complexity of their legal issues and their anxiety about an uncertain future can seem overwhelming. Therefore, we recognize we have a duty to do more than provide reliable legal advice. We must be accessible, engaged and supportive throughout the legal process. That’s why, when you come to Iafrate & Salassa, P.C., you find:
Whether your issues involve family law, divorce, estate planning, criminal defense or personal injury matters, you can rely on Iafrate & Salassa, P.C. to explore every available option in an effort to reach a favorable outcome.
Working through any family law matter can be extremely difficult for everyone involved. Whether you are considering a divorce, or your spouse has recently filed, having a reliable attorney behind you can help to ensure that your interests are protected from the start. Our Clinton Township divorce attorneys are prepared to dedicate all the resources necessary to obtain a result that puts you in the best possible situation as you transition into this next phase of your life.
You work directly with us at every stage of the process and on every issue: child custody, parenting time, child support, spousal support, property division and domestic violence. We respond promptly to all inquiries. When you have questions, we will answer them personally.
An arrest is a frightening event in any person’s life, so before you see a judge, you want to know you’re in capable hands. Our criminal defense attorneys are professional, discreet and determined to limit the harm caused by your arrest. We make every effort to remain accessible to you from the moment you call, to provide emotional support and answer any and all questions.
Our estate planning service is a natural extension of our family law practice. In each of these areas, we help our clients take prudent, necessary steps to implement safeguards for themselves and their families. Every individual and family should take the time to plan for retirement, the infirmity of old age and the eventual transfer of assets to heirs.
Our firm works diligently to ensure that injured parties receive the full compensation to which they are entitled. We represent injured motorists, passengers and pedestrians in vehicle accidents. We also provide capable representation for premises liability cases, slip-and-fall accidents, medical malpractice and injuries from defective consumer products.
At Iafrate & Salassa, P.C., our experienced attorneys offer cost-effective solutions to a variety of legal problems. You can rely on our firm for quality representation and close, personal service. Contact our office today at (586) 263-1600 or online to schedule a free initial consultation.
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