The divorce process is multifaceted; from the initial filing to the final Judgment, there are many unexpected twists and turns which a couple must navigate. During each phase of the process a divorcing couple will encounter new uncharted terrain and successfully navigating this terrain is greatly dependent upon the individuals involved. That is why, in order to ensure that you emerge from the process unscathed, obtaining legal counsel who can help guide you is imperative.
According to a wealth advisor cited in an article on the Huffington Post, anyone going through the divorce process will need to have a plan to properly address the various important issues which will almost certainly arise. While it can be difficult to overcome hurt feelings and resentfulness, parties should try to remain cordial as when couples work together to reach their own resolution without Court involvement, the process is much smoother and more efficient.
Focus not only on longer term goals, but on immediate needs. Of course, long-term issues must be dealt with, but immediate issues like preservation of current income, child custody/parenting time, support and health insurance are all issues which must be addressed almost at the outset of the process. Resolving these issues first will allow you to better prepare for and deal with the long-term issues, such as taxes, asset distribution, debt assumption and estate planning, at the time of settlement. Seeking professional legal help to address these issues will ensure that nothing is overlooked and that future complications are avoided.
At Iafrate & Salassa in Macomb County we know that getting through a divorce can be extremely stressful and our experience helps people to successfully manage that stress. While no one enters a marriage wishing or expecting to divorce, the fact is many marriages do end. Therefore, if you believe that divorce is your best option, you should seek the help of the knowledgeable divorce lawyers at Iafrate & Salassa. Every divorce is different, which is why we take the time to understand your unique situation so that we can develop a plan to achieve the best outcome possible for you. Please call us today at (586) 263-1600 in Macomb County or click here to contact us online.
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