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Yearly Archives: 2021


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Debt and Property Division in a Michigan Divorce

When a marriage ends, everything owned by the couple is divided. Most people worry about their assets being subject to division, but it is also important to consider the debts that will be divided. If you are going through a divorce, or are about to, our Michigan family law attorneys will help you prepare for the future, including the equitable…

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How Much Back Child Support is a Felony in Michigan?

Getting behind on child support payments is a serious matter. In Michigan, all parents are required to financially support their children until they are no longer minors. However, child support can become a burden to some. The amount of child support can quickly add up, and it can become challenging to make these payments along with all of your other…

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Can a Child Refuse to Visit a Parent?

When a couple gets a divorce, it affects the entire family, particularly when there are children involved. After a divorce, it is not uncommon for one parent to be named the primary caregiver with the other parent being given visitation rights, with a certain amount of visitation days every month being allocated to them. This type of situation is sensitive…

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What is Considered Electronic Snooping in Divorce?

Electronic snooping in divorce is essentially recording your spouse to obtain evidence that will hurt them and benefit you during your divorce case. Many spouses consider snooping on their spouse electronically, so it is important for you to know that you are not alone. Still, it is just as important that you understand the laws in Michigan surrounding the practice…

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Is Michigan a No-Fault Divorce State?

It is a sad fact that nearly half of all marriages in the United States end in divorce. While there are many reasons couples get a divorce, these reasons will not factor in when one spouse files for divorce. Still, fault sometimes is an issue during the divorce process, but has little to do with one spouse actually filing. Below…

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Is Adultery a Crime in Michigan?

Adultery is one of the worst forms of betrayal a spouse could commit in their marriage. Many marriages cannot survive it and it is not uncommon for the two spouses to get a divorce afterward. However, while adultery does have serious impacts on a marriage, many people do not realize that in Michigan, it is also a criminal offense. The…

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