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Category Archives: Child Custody

Child Custody

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Can a Child Refuse to Visit a Parent?

When a couple gets a divorce, it affects the entire family, particularly when there are children involved. After a divorce, it is not uncommon for one parent to be named the primary caregiver with the other parent being given visitation rights, with a certain amount of visitation days every month being allocated to them. This type of situation is sensitive…

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How to Modify Child Custody Arrangements

Child custody is just one of the many issues that is decided during divorce. However, like so many other terms of divorce, the custody order a judge issues may be modified in certain situations. Even when both parents agree to the change in child custody, the initial arrangement cannot be modified until a judge agrees to it and signs a…

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Common Myths About Children During Divorce

Divorce is difficult for any children who are part of the process. That is certainly not a myth. However, there are many myths that surround children of divorce that are simply not true and that parents should never believe, as they can be hurtful for both parents and the kids. The four biggest myths about children during divorce, and the…

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Can Divorce Be Good for the Kids?

Most parents who go through a divorce think that it is going to be hardest on the children. While it is true that divorce is difficult for children, there are ways in which the process can actually make them stronger, better people. If you are going through a divorce that will involve children, understanding how it can be good for…

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Four Strategies for Getting Through a High-Conflict Divorce

All divorces present their own challenges, but some are particularly bitter and contentious. When this happens, it makes the divorce even harder and more stressful for everyone going through it. For many people, it may seem as though there is nothing they can do to make the process easier, but that is not true. If you are going through a…

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Four Ways to Help Your Chance of Winning Child Custody

As a parent, facing the fact that you may spend less time with your child is the scariest part of any divorce. It is for your spouse, too. Due to this, child custody issues are typically the most heated in any divorce that involves children, with each side fighting to win their child custody hearing. To help you have the…

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